3 Low Waste Gift Wrapping Ideas
There are so many creative and waste free ways to wrap gifts. Or don’t wrap them at all! Here are three ways we love to wrap presents.
- Use children’s drawings. Those of us with children often have a plethora of colouring pages strewn about. Use one of those colouring pages to wrap a gift for Auntie or Grandpa. Your child will beam when they see the gift unwrapped knowing they were part of the tradition, and you will beam knowing that you prevented waste and even saved money! Click here for crayon rock options.
- Wrap with fabric. Maybe you have some fabric laying around, or a flat sheet that nobody uses. Cut it into a square and wrap your gift Furoshiki style. Then the wrapper can become part of the gift as the recipient can reuse it again. We also have beautiful Furoshiki in store from Your Green Kitchen that can double as table decor!
Three children colour with crayon rocks, photo by Dori Marie Photography
Gift Wrap by Your Green Kitchen
- Brown paper and twine. This is something we do at our house given I have access to used brown packing paper from PickEco. Some of the pieces of paper have been reused several times, and the twine we use gets collected and reused as well. If you want to fancy it up, add a bit of holly or a piece of cedar to your wrapping job.

If you live in Abbotsford or Chilliwack or the surrounding area, come check out other gift wrapping options we have in store.