5 Ways to Create a Fresh Start
January is the time for a fresh start. It’s a time to hope and dream of what the year can bring. But in order to turn those hopes and dreams into reality, you need to set yourself up for success. Here are 5 ways to help you create a fresh start.
Let It Go
Your mind is your greatest asset. If your mind isn’t right, it’s tough to be present with your family, focus on work, and enjoy the little things. To create a fresh start, allow yourself to mentally let go of things you’re holding onto.
2020 was a tough year for everyone. Give yourself peace by letting go of the negativity, anger, or resentment. Whatever negative thoughts are lingering, feel it one more time and then let it go.
Think Positive
Now that you’ve let go of the negative, focus on the positive. Start a gratitude journal but jotting down three things you’re grateful for at the end of the day. Or before your morning cup of coffee, take a second to think of the good things in your life. By thinking positively and feeling gratitude you’ll set the right tone for your day.
Create Space

You’ve got your mind in the right space, now it’s time to focus on your physical space. Just like having a cluttered mind distracts us from our work, having a cluttered space does the same. When our homes are messy we feel stressed and overwhelmed.
Start with one room or even one drawer. Go through the items and see what can be donated or posted on your local neighborhood Facebook page. If it’s not useful or beautiful, it’s just taking up expensive real estate in your house and in your mind.
Do I Need This?
Once you’ve created space in your house, resist the urge to fill it back up. If you’ve cleared out your closet of the clothes that don’t fit or that you don’t love, don’t fill the space up with more clothes that aren’t just right.
Before buying anything new, take a split second to think “Do I Need This?”. The easiest way to be zero waste, is to not create it in the first place!
Take The First Step
Finally, whether your goal for 2021 is to eat healthier, get more exercise, or create less waste, take the first step today.
If you want to eat healthier, make a meal plan or figure out a healthy breakfast you can make on the weekends that you can eat throughout the week. Or start small by just making the switch to healthier snacks. Swap out the plastic-wrapped sugar sweetened granola bars for some nuts and dried fruit from our bulk bins. You’ll be creating less waste and eating healthier! Find them here.
If you want to get more exercise, decide on specific days of the week you can commit to a run. Or try incorporating an after-lunch walk into your routine. You’ll get some exercise and extra vitamin D!
If you want to create less waste, start your own Zero Waste Wednesday where you only eat and do things that generate no waste. Or start with just one item. With each item you throw away, try finding a zero waste alternative. Our store has many zero waste options for commonly thrown away products.
Whatever your goal is for 2021, take the first step to make it happen today!